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Greenwood Primary & Nursery School

Welcome to

Greenwood Primary & Nursery School

Bringing out the best in everyone

Year 3 - Owls and Tigers

Welcome to Owls and Tigers




Teachers - Miss Miles (Tigers) / Mrs Grice and Mrs Annia (Owls) 

Additional adults - Miss Key, Miss Richardson, Mrs Gladwin and Mr Gregory




Key people to contact: 

Tigers -                                                                      

Owls -          



Our Enquiry this half term is - How does Art inform us about the past? 

Through our History lessons we will be looking at different Ancient Greek artists including sculptors and architects. We will be drawing self-portraits using a range of materials. In History we will be exploring what life was like for the Ancient Greeks and look at the legacy they left behind with things such as democracy and the Olympics. To tie the two subjects together, children will design and sculpt their own Ancient Greek style pot to show what life was like for our ancestors. 



In English we will be writing a diary entry and narrative based on Ancient Greek myths. We will also be sharing our Enquiry learning through writing an information text. 


This term we are looking at Plants - please click  below to view our Science Mat. Please help your child to be familiar with the key vocabulary and enhance their learning through some of the suggestions. 




Our PE day is WEDNESDAY! 

Please make sure your child comes to school on this day in their PE kit. No jewellery should be worn.

We try to offer a wide range of activities during their PE lessons and this means that your child will need the following items during the year:


P.E. Indoor Kit:                                               P.E. Outdoor Kit:

T-shirt: Plain white                                          Sweatshirt       

Shorts: Black or navy                                      Tracksuit bottoms

Girls may wear a leotard if they wish                Trainers




In Year 3, homework will be set every WEDNESDAY. Please support and encourage your child to access this earlier on in the week, in case there are any problems we can help with, such as; logging in, technical problems or not understanding what is expected of the homework. Homework needs to be completed by the following WEDNESDAY. On Thursdays we offer a homework clubs for children who require support to complete their homework. 


Alongside the homework, children will be given Year group spellings to practise which are assessed at the beginning of every half term.


Children will also be given access Times Table Rock Stars which is an interactive way of supporting times table learning ahead of the Year 4 Multiplication Table Checks. Please encourage them to use this to support their knowledge. They will receive regular 'heat maps' from school which will highlight questions they need to practise. You could choose a few questions and randomly quiz your child as they are walking to school, watching TV or are out and about. 


Finally, READING is a key skill for a child through their time at school. We will encourage children to read for pleasure in school and have a selection of books in our class book trolley. However, you child will be bringing home a book that is targeted to their reading age and one that they have chosen because they think they will enjoy it. We would appreciate it if you could listen to your children read their book regularly to support with their comprehension skills and develop a love for reading! We will also be reading in school with your child once a week to ensure they are able to reach their full potential.  


Value Superstars and Star Reader certificates



Every Friday we are going to award one child from each class a "Value certificate".

These values are part of the Flying High Trust. They are:










Miss Tucker will host a virtual assembly every Friday in school. (This is not available at home).

Children will be awarded their certificate in class and will be celebrated with the whole school.

Alongside this, we will be looking out for those Star readers - who have been working hard to develop their reading skills both in school and at home.


Good Luck Year 3!




At Greenwood we support children with their behaviour principles of emotional coaching and restorative approaches.


The five essential steps of Emotion Coaching:


  • Be aware of a child’s emotion
  • Recognise a child’s expression of emotion as a perfect moment for support and teaching
  • Listen with empathy and validate a child’s feelings
  • Help a child learn to label their emotions with words
  • Helping a child to solve problems or deal with upsetting situations appropriately


"Helping children and young people to understand the different emotions they experience, why they occur and how to handle them."   (Gottman 1996)


Restorative approaches enable those who have been harmed to convey the impact of the harm to those responsible, and for those responsible to acknowledge this impact and take steps to put it right. Restorative approaches refer to a range of methods and strategies which can be used both to prevent relationship-damaging incidents from happening and to resolve them if they do happen. Restorative approaches are built on values which separate the person from the behaviour. They promote accountability and seek to repair any harm caused in a situation


‘Bringing out the best……in everyone!’


For more information about how we celebrate positive achievements, how the behaviour charts in the classroom are used, further support or exclusion information please look on the ‘Parents’ tab of the website and view the full policy.



Greenwood Primary and Nursery School

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