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Greenwood Primary & Nursery School

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Greenwood Primary & Nursery School

Bringing out the best in everyone

Community Liaison

Community Matters at Greenwood

     Family Support Champion

Our Family Support Champion (FSC) is Mrs Gemma Moorhouse.
Gemma is a link between home and school, and is available to provide support to both the children and their family.  She is available between 08.30 - 15.30 Monday to Friday unless she is in a meeting, and can be contacted by telephone using the main school office telephone number or by email at :
One of Gemma’s role's is to support families starting school. Gemma attends our Nursery mini visits and arranges for services such as speech and language therapy, school nurse and the Family Service to attend so they can make parents aware of how they can support them too.
Gemma is also one of our school Designated Safeguarding officers. If any parent or member of our community has a concern regarding the well-being of our pupils then they can contact Gemma who can advise them on the best course of action as well as following school reporting procedures. Gemma attends Social Care meetings and Joint Action Team meetings on behalf of the school and liaises with school staff to prepare reports and give feedback.
Gemma will do home visits if necessary or will meet parents or carers at school if they have a concern. Gemma acts as mediator between parental disputes, and counsellor to those in crisis.
Gemma is also our Attendance Officer and will offer practical advice to those who are struggling to get their child into school each day or on time. Gemma can be seen outside the front of reception each morning when school starts if you have any issues you wish to discuss face-to-face. 

Useful Numbers

School Nurse Sarah Shreeve 01623 557136 (Full list of sevices can be found on the board outside school)

MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub): 0300 500 80 90 (For any safeguarding concerns)

Local Sure Start Centre: 01623 673880 (Help with parent/child issues eg diet, toilet training etc)

Domestic Violence Helpline: 08088000340 Free 24 hour free phone number or text:08088000341 (9am-5pm)

Childline:08001111 (Confidential free phone number)

FRANK- National Drugs Helpline: 0800776600

Parentline Plus 0800800222 (Advice, workshops, listening ear...) Also


Please find below links to two key documents which shape our ethos within school: 




Greenwood Primary and Nursery School

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