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Greenwood Primary & Nursery School

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Greenwood Primary & Nursery School

Bringing out the best in everyone

Sports at Greenwood


Physical Education at Greenwood


At Greenwood we are so lucky because we have Mrs Aspinall (a specialist PE teacher) to deliver the PE curriculum across all key stages. All children should come in their PE kit on their allocated PE day. PE Kit at Greenwood consists of: 


Indoor PE Kit:


  • Navy/black shorts
  • White T-shirt/Polo
  • Plimsolls


Outdoor PE Kit:


  • Navy/black shorts or jogging bottoms
  • White T-shirt/Polo
  • Trainers
  • A navy/black jumper or school PE Hoodie



(Greenwood Fleeces are available to purchase from our uniform supplier and are a fab addition to your child's PE kit. You can also order Greenwood polo tops.)


Children should NOT wear any jewellery during PE lessons and should be removed before your child comes to school (staff are not permitted to put earrings in for children).


In the Summer we often increase the amount of PE taught, it is therefore so important that children apply and wear sun cream to protect them. 


KS1 and KS2 should have the opportunity of swimming lessons during the year, your children will given a letter to confirm when their lessons should take place. Swimming now takes place at Lammas Leisure Centre on Wednesday mornings.

If your child is unable to take part in PE lessons for medical reasons then a letter should be sent with them to school for Mr Brown.




Sports After School Clubs


This year we are offering a sports club to 4 different year groups every term. Please ensure that the children bring their PE kit if they are attending the after school club.

This year we are having coaches from Mansfield Town Football Club to deliver an after school club twice a week. The after-school sessions will feature a huge range of sports and games, from classic favourites to brand new experiences we are sure they will love. Each coach has received high quality training to make sure that every session is educational, and every child feels included.

Dance is taught by 'All about Fitness', the children will all get dance lessons in school for 1 half term. This club is run by the same people that we have for those in school sessions. 

Gymnastics is taught by Kate from Ashfield Gymnastics Club and she is absolutely brilliant, the children learn new skills and build up their confidence in their basic gymnastics skills, Kate even brings in apparatus for the children to use! 


Monday: Mrs Aspinall Sports club

Tuesday: MTFC Club 

Wednesday:  Dance Club

Thursday: Gymnastics Club

Friday: MTFC Club


Each teacher now runs a club on a Monday and these will include physical activity.

There will also be extra sports clubs run by Mrs Aspinall leading up to events




Y6 pupils who are able to:

·        swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres = 19%

·        use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke = 19%

·        perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations = 81% 

Pupils in KS1 and KS2 have the opportunity to access swimming in each academic year to ensure they reach the required standard.

Children in Year 4 attend swimming during the Autumn term

Children in Year 2 attend swimming during the Spring term

Children in Year 5/6 attend swimming during the Summer term

Young Ambassadors of Sports 


A Young Ambassadors of Sports is a group of Year 5 and 6 children who organise regular intra school competitions.  


Our Young Ambassadors are always ready to support events led by The School Games Organisation. This gives them the chance to supervise activities at an event where local schools take part showing their leadership skills.



Greenwood Primary and Nursery School

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