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Greenwood Primary & Nursery School

Welcome to

Greenwood Primary & Nursery School

Bringing out the best in everyone

FS1 Caterpillars

Welcome to Foundation Stage 1 -

Clever Caterpillars! 



The Foundation Stage 1 Team

Caterpillars class teacher is Miss Aspinall.

Our fabulous group leaders are called Mrs Reeve and Mrs Johnson.


Mrs Johnson is Gruffalo group leader.

Mrs Reeve is Zog group leader.

Miss Aspinall is Paddington group leader.

Miss Cowlishaw is Ladybirds group leader



F1 Session Times

AM session:

Arrive 8:40am

Collection time 11:40am


PM session:

Arrival 12:20

Collection time 3:20pm  






New Starters

We are looking forward to welcoming our new starters. You will receive an information pack at your stay and play session. 


Throughout Foundation Stage at Greenwood we use the online learning platform Dojo. On Dojo we will share important information with you. It is important you check the Class Story for any updates. Dojo has a private messaging tool where you can contact your child's group leader if needed. Please can you ensure any urgent messages are passed through the school office, as we cannot guarantee Dojo will be checked during teaching time. 


Purple Mash

We upload weekly activities to Purple Mash. Your child has their own individual log in details to access the activities on there. Please get in touch if you need help with log in details or accessing set activities.



Please read to your child at home daily, and record this in their reading diaries. Reading regularly with your child helps develop vocabulary, creativity, understanding of the world and most importantly a long life love of books. Each Thursday we reward our weekly Reading Stars, for children showing good reading habits and a love of books. They get to take home a special rucksack filled with hot chocolate, biscuits, a cuddly toy and most importantly a treasured book!



“What Makes Me, Me?"


Some of the texts we will focus on:

The Colour Monster

The Colour Monster Goes to School

We Are All Neighbours

Good Luck Baby Owls

When We Grow Up

Rama and Sita (linked to Diwali)

The Nativity (linked to the birth of Jesus)

Snow White (linked to our class visit to the Pantomime)



Our current enquiry question is: Is Art All Around Us?


Summer 1:

We have explored primary colours and colour mixing. 

We have used Traditional Tales to introduce different types of artists:

The Three Billy Goats Gruff - Zaha Hadid Architect

The Three Little Pigs - Gustave Eiffel architect 

Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Denby Pottery

The Elves and the Shoe Maker - Paul Smith clothes designer.


Summer 2: 

We look at the artist Van Gogh and explore different types of paint brushes to create sunflower paintings.

We then explore the outdoors, learning about different types of trees, minibeasts and how to stay safe in the sun.

We learn about the legend of Robin Hood and create transient art using natural resources found outdoors. 





We focus on 8 Nursery Rhymes each half term and practise singing these daily. Your child will receive a booklet with these in each half term so you can join in with your child at home!



If you have any questions, please feel free to get in contact with Miss Sarah Aspinall:



Greenwood Primary and Nursery School

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