Helping your child with Reading and Writing
Pupil entitlement for English in our school
In English, all children will…
Master the ability to Communicate by:
- Having the opportunity to rehearse ideas verbally
- Talking with partners and in groups
- Experiencing opportunities to extend vocabulary by hearing good role models who use Standard English
- Having the chance to learn through drama and story telling
- Providing a wide range of experiences that expand their understanding
- Children being supported to communicate effectively at their level
Master the ability to Read by:
- Accessing a wide range of quality texts
- Quality first teaching in the teaching and application of reading skills
- Having the opportunity to learn and apply a range of different strategies
- Showing understanding and expressing themselves creatively
- Being given the opportunity to communicate with authors
- Having the time to enjoy reading
- Developing a personal reading identity
Master the ability to Write by:
- Experiencing hooks to inspire and engage
- Being exposed to and use new vocabulary
- Experiencing different genres
- Having a clear purpose and audience
- Having the opportunity to publish and share
- Editing and improving through self and peer assessment
- Having access to creative and imaginative models that inspire self-motivated high expectations
- Building upon and mastering new techniques
Great Readers, Writers and Communicator’s…
* Are confident to have a go
* Show perseverance and resilience
* Tackle challenges with enthusiasm
* Use strategies when you’re stuck
* Make relevant links across the curriculum
* Express and justify opinions in an appropriate way
* Use your resourcefulness to satisfy your curiosity
* Demonstrate your creativity
* Independently apply skills in different contexts
- Use Standard English to communicate articulately
- Love Reading and Writing!