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Greenwood Primary & Nursery School

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Greenwood Primary & Nursery School

Bringing out the best in everyone

Pupil Council

Pupil Parliament


Greenwood's Pupil Parliament meets weekly in Miss Tucker's office.


We have one representative from each class in school and we make very important decisions about what charities we want to support, what we like about our school and how we can make it even better.


Following these meetings, our representatives shares the information and then asks the class their opinions so this helps us to make decisions.



What we have worked on:


Comic Relief -Red Nose Day 


Children in Need - The children planned a wonderful afternoon of activities including stalls in the hall. 


Decided what things they wanted in the outdoor gym and trim trails.


Decided what things they would like on the new school lunch menu.


What are we planning: 


This year's Comic Relief - let your representative know what you'd like us to do to raise money.


Christmas Fair - What would classes like to make to sell at the fair. (This is an enterprise project for each class as the money they raise is then spent on their class before the end of the year.)



Greenwood Primary and Nursery School

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