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Greenwood Primary & Nursery School

Welcome to

Greenwood Primary & Nursery School

Bringing out the best in everyone

FS2 Purple Emperors and Red Admirals

Welcome to Butterflies!


Our Team


Purple Emperor's 


Teacher: Mrs Armstrong    



Red Admiral's

Mrs Gilbody:


Mrs Grice:


Our School day

Our school day starts at 8:35am - 3.15pm.

Please be prompt at both drop off and pick up times.


Snack Time 

Your child is offered a healthy snack and milk during the school day.  



PE is every Wednesday.

Please send your child to school in their PE kit on this day. They will stay in their PE kit all day.

Our PE Kit is...

White t shirt, black or navy shorts, black plimsols or plain trainers.

When it is cold, children can wear their school jumpers and black joggers.



Our curriculum is taught through enquiries, which is a themed approach, initiated by an enquiry question. 

The enquiry then takes the children on a journey of meaningful and purposeful learning, resulting in authentic outcomes, which answers the question. 


Our Learning Enquiries


Autumn: How does change affect me?


  • The Colour Monster- exploring our feelings
  • My home and family
  • Only one you 
  • Changes - How do we change over time ?
  • Oral health
  • Emergency Services - Police, Fire, Ambulance- people in our community
  • Autumn (Seasonal Changes and Habitats) 
  • Bonfire Night and other celebrations
  • The Story of Rosa Parks
  • Remembrance 
  • Christmas from the past and how traditions started 
  • New and old comparisons artefacts and our lives 
  • Winter focus


Spring: Where will your travels take you?


  • Kirkby - our local area 
  • Kirkby- important people from our local community 
  • Maps 
  • Travelling further to Mansfield and Nottingham.
  • Vehicles for travel 
  • Chinese New Year -celebrations 
  • Contrasting location - Italy 
  • Space/Light and Dark – Whatever Next?
  • Space travel - Look up (Black History) and Neil Armstrong 
  • Spring (Seasonal focus ) Life cycles 
  • Easter focus


Summer: Where do we see Art in our lives?

  • Our Planet – Recycling/Environmental focus - recycled materials in Art 
  • Ocean pollution - colour mixing ocean pictures
  • Andy Goldworthy - Natural Art around us 
  • Growing and planting - natural colours around us 
  • Noah's Ark - musical performance linked to a familiar story 
  • Guiseppe Racimboldo Artist focus- fruit for Art 
  • Contrasting location focus- Africa - clothing , homes, school 
  • African Animals - camouflage and prints 
  • African Drumming -Musical focus 
  • Authentic outcome creating Artwork to exhibit in our local Library 
  • Summer - seasonal focus and Sun safety

Our Learning


Each week your child will receive a phonics decodable reading book and a free choice book.


It is so important that your child brings their book bag to school every day.

Please also check book bags/DOJO regularly for letters.   


Reading is so important and we want to help you, to help your children develop a life-long love of books. 

Try and support your child and help them as much as possible.

The following tips should help make reading less stressful, and help your child feel like they are a successful reader...


1. Before you start reading a new book, tell them the title and look at the pictures on page.

2. Talk about what might happen in the story.

3. When you are ready to start reading, ignore tiny mistakes that still make sense in the sentence.

4. Prompt your child to look at the first sound and think about what words starting with that letter would make sense in the next sentence.

5. Re-read book lots of times to build your child's confidence. don't change them everyday!


Read and Shine 

Your child is allocated a decodable reading book that they will read every morning for 1 week prior to that book being sent home. This is to build fluency and a love of reading. 


Stars Assembly
Every Friday we award one child from each class with a "Value certificate".

These values are part of the Flying High Trust. They are:











Children will be awarded their certificate, this will be celebrated with the whole school in an assembly.

Good luck Butterflies!


At Greenwood we have a simple set of school agreements that ensures clarity for all. Everyone in the school community is expected to respect and follow these agreements. The children are reminded of the agreements frequently and they are displayed in every classroom and in shared areas around school.


School Agreements

Greenwood Stars:

  • Stay safe
  • Take care of each other
  • Always do our best
  • Respectful of ourselves and our environment


Our School Agreements are underpinned by our School Values and it is recognised that in following our school agreements, our school values will be promoted.


School Values

  1. Enjoyment
  2. Confidence
  3. Respect
  4. Responsibility
  5. Creativity
  6. Aspiration
  7. Perseverance
  8. Pride


In F2 the children are rewarded for good behaviour with spotty stickers and work towards special certificate for good behaviour.


As a class they work together to achieve a class treat once a term, by achieving their class target throughout the term.


For more information about how we celebrate positive achievements, how the behaviour charts in the classroom are used, further support or exclusion information please look on the ‘Parents’ tab of the website and view the full policy.

Learning Journeys 

 We capture special learning moments in our Learning Journey Books.


Purple Mash


Each week 2Do's are uploaded onto Purple Mash for you to complete.

Have lots of fun and we can't wait to see your wonderful creations! 

Each child has log in details, if you require more information on this then please contact your class teacher.

>> Click here to log on.



Each class has a dojo page which you can access via the app. This is a great way to communicate easily with your class teachers! You will receive regular updates and reminders about what is happening in school. 



Greenwood Primary and Nursery School

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