Our Parent / Teacher / Pupil association works very hard raising money for the benefit of all the children at Greenwood. PUPS have paid for buses, visits, resources, DARE t-shirts, computers and every year they pay for each child to go to The Palace Theatre in Mansfield to see the Pantomime for free!!! Not only do they get the panto ticket and the transport but they also get a panto pack to eat in the interval.
Any member of staff or parent can join PUPS. We have friendly meetings every half term after school with childcare included. We share good ideas, go through an agenda and plan events like discos, fairs, tea bars and tuck shops. We also discuss bids made by pupils and staff to request funding. We have people who volunteer to help who can't attend meetings because they work but help us by making contributions in other ways such as baking cakes.
We are very lucky that our PUPS members run our hot tuck. Everyday our wonderful volunteers make toast and crumpets or ice pops in the summer for all our children. All the profit from this is used to support projects which the children have asked for.
Everyone is welcome. Texts are sent to remind parents of meeting dates and those parents who attend meetings also get copies of our minutes. PUPS is a registered charity.
We will text parents/carers soon to let you know the date of the next meeting.
Please join us and bring some great ideas or just a willingness to help.