Safeguarding Our Children Together
The safety and wellbeing of our pupils is the school’s absolute priority. Greenwood is committed to ensuring pupils stay safe through extensive safeguarding measures, collaboration with professionals and a bespoke personal development curriculum.
As part of our commitment, we ensure that children are educated on potentially risky situations, keeping them well-informed on understanding their choices and how to minimise risks, whom to contact, and enabling them to feel confident in seeking help.
All staff have received appropriate safeguarding training which is frequently updated and are dedicated to promoting the welfare of our pupils.
If a parent/carer has any safeguarding concerns, they should contact one of the following designated safeguarding officers as listed below:
Miss Tucker – Head Teacher
Mrs Gilbody – Deputy Head Teacher (DSL)
Miss Appleby – Assistant Head Teacher
Mrs Moorhouse – Family Support Champion
Mrs.Grice- Assistant Head Teacher
If you have any safeguarding concerns/queries, we do have a dedicated email address which will email all of our Safeguarding Team. This email address is
Greenwood acknowledges radicalisation as part of its safeguarding policy, and all staff have completed PREVENT training.
All staff and visitors are expected to promote and adhere to the fundamental principles of British values, including the mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, as part of the Department for Education’s guidance for all public bodies to make explicit their preventative measures to minimise the threat of extremism in their setting.
Online Safety
We believe that use of the internet is a crucial part of children’s learning and our teaching. We ensure that we take the necessary precautions to restrict inappropriate material through our monitored filtering system and we ensure that the children are supervised when using the internet.
We also take positive steps to educate and support the pupils to be safe internet users. Greenwood’s ‘Acceptable Use Policy’ outlines the procedures that pupils and staff are expected to adhere to in regards to e-safety, including guidance on the use of ICT equipment, security risks and legal liability. E-Safety rules are reinforced with the children when using the internet and on annual Internet Safety days
Further information can be found in our policies on the Greenwood website under the ‘Parents’ header.
For information on the latest policy for keeping children safe in education, please log onto the following website: Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK (
Additional help, support and advice can be found on these websites:
Tel: 0800 11 11
Nottinghamshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Tel: 0300 500 80 90
The Family Service
Tel: 01623 433500
Tel: 0808 800 5000
Tel: 0808 800 0340
Traffic Light Tools - Sexual Abuse -What is appropriate behaviour?
Useful Links to Support Families at Home
The Underwear Rule: