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Greenwood Primary & Nursery School

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Greenwood Primary & Nursery School

Bringing out the best in everyone

Year 2 - Starfish and Sea Lions

Meet our Year 2 Team!

Mr Jackson - Class Teacher In Sea Lions


Miss Tomkinson - Class Teacher in Starfish


We are lucky enough to have 2 marvellous teaching assistants that work closely with your children's teachers. 

These are Miss Bonser in Starfish, Mrs Allsopp in Sea Lions. 


Year 2 Enquiry based learning


Autumn Term - How does the past shape the future?


In Autumn Term we will be focusing on The Great Fire of London and how the event shaped the future. 


This will allows us to explore past and present London and differentiate between the two allowing the children to see how times have changed and how this has impacted life today. 


Spring Term - What does home look like?


In Spring Term we will be focusing on the UK and a contrasting location. We are using Paddington and Jungle Book to enhance our learning. 


We will be able to name the physical and human features of the UK and compare these with a non-EU country. 

How to support your child at home



1. Read for 5-10 minutes a day

2. Encourage children to use phoneme knowledge to sound out words they find difficult 

3. Ask children understanding questions about their text-who is the main character? What is the setting? Why did that character choose to do that and what were the consequences?

Click here for comprehension questions to use when reading with your child!



1. Make writing purposeful-why have they been asked to write? What should the outcome be of that piece of writing? 

2. Encourage the use of joining lines. Children should be attempting to start letters using joining lines in Year 2.

3. Encourage the use of basic punctuation-capital letters, full stops, finger spaces etc



1. Play maths games such as timetable questions, mental math addition and subtraction, doubles and halves up to 10

2. Use maths in every day life-shopping, finding change, counting out things for tea time, shape spotting around the house etc MATHS IS EVERYWHERE!

3. Keep up basic number fact work-numbers bonds to 5, 10 and 20. 2, 3, 5 and 10x tables.



Spelling, punctuation and grammar

1. Encourage children to write spellings down, look at them, cover them, say them, write them.2. Find interesting ways to remember exception words eg. because-big elephants can always understand small elephants

3. Re-cap use of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs...what are they? Can you think of examples of when to use them?



1. Encourage children to spot familiar sounds in words to help them read at pace 

2. Re-cap unfamiliar sounds regularly and quickly 

3. Find alternative spellings for the same   or   oi/oy 



Greenwood Primary and Nursery School

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